My Writing Journey
My YouTube Journey
After more than a decade with the same company, I was unexpectedly laid off at age 53. A month into my job search, with no prospects in hand, I had a new problem—too much time on my hands.
Now, in the weeks preceding the layoff, I felt the call from God to write a book. I started and stopped several times. There simply wasn’t enough time. But, now there was...
But this wasn't the beginning of my writing journey. When I was only 17, my college English professor, Dr. Shultz told me I had a talent for writing. She told her graduate students if any of them could write a fraction as well as her freshman student by the time they graduated, they would go on to become very successful authors.
When God calls you, He oftentimes will give you a vision. In addition, He may give you insights into His Word and knowledge. You may find, you understand things that are a great mystery to others. It's as though you've had a conversation with God without having the conversation.
You may also be given a talent when you're given this vision. But unlike other spiritual gifts, a talent must be developed. You must work very hard—just like any star athlete.
Having worked very hard to develop my writing talent, I'm able to use it to serve Him. It is what He requires of me, not what I want to do for Him.
My calling from God is to help you, transform your ordinary spiritual relationship with God, into a spiritual one. Come along with me. Step into the spiritual. Religion is boring. But a relationship with a deity is anything but. It is extraordinary. It is the adventure of a lifetime—the adventure that doesn't end in this lifetime.
My plan was to write books, which is my passion because it's my calling from God. But in order to write books in today's world, one must have a media presence – thus YouTube.
Initially, I filmed these videos in my apartment using my cellphone, a cheap tripod, a white movie projection screen for my background, a $100 light kit, and a borrowed microphone.
The ever-coveted viewer retention rate for my videos way sky-high. So I knew I was on track with my message, but the production quality was lacking. Consequently, my subscriber base never took off.
But praise be to God. Through a set of most unusual circumstances, I was somehow able to purchase the most amazing home with a study which I turned into a production studio.
But this was only the beginning. I arranged and re-arranged the studio numerous times. Each item in the background, from the stone backdrop to the bookshelves to everything on the bookshelves was carefully planned.
This reboot of my YouTube channel is my third run. I learned a lot during the first two attempts. But the most important lesson I learned was I didn't know how to produce high-quality videos.
Over the last few months, I invested in better studio equipment, like a new camera. Even though I have the latest Samsung S20 cellphone, it doesn't even come close to a decent mirrorless camera.
Now, I don't especially like being on the business end of a camera. I'd much rather be typing words into my computer. Consequently, I had a lot of work to do in order to improve my delivery. It's much harder to look natural than what you would think...
The first video, which is the most important one, I practiced filming myself over 200 times. Each time, I would carefully examine it and figure out what I could improve upon. Every little thing matters. And although it's still not perfect, I've come a long way.
All this because I must do my best, for my King, the Lord Jesus Christ. I must deliver His words, for you, through me to the best of my ability.